Sunday, May 4, 2008

Group Presentations: Ethics

Communication/ Media:

Overall question: How do the different kinds of media relate to each other and society? Through their question and through their methods ( Surveys, observation) I believe that they are right on the mark for ethical issues. There really aren't any that they presented that would be cause for minimal risk. Exemption status seems to be be the right course of action.

Tourists vs. Natives:

Overall Question: How do tourists/ natives deal with culture and physical space differently? Although this group thought their project would be minimal risk because of picture taking I don't think this would be the case especially because there is no real ethical issues involved in the pictures themselves. Possibly they can just ask permission for the pictures since their observations and questions will not be invasive in anyway.

Architecture group:

Overall question: How do people interact with space? how does design of structure influence individuals? Methods for this group seemed to be direct observation and the only ethical issues I can see is just to ask for verbal permission to stand in stores and observe people in malls. Otherwise this group seems to just be exempt status.

Branding group:

Overall question: How does branding happen in Amsterdam ( Dutch fashion and gender, women in advertising... After listening to this group I see no real ethical issues, just to ask for verbal permission to stand in stores and to observe. Otherwise I see no ethical issues and therefore exemption status seems right.

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