Sunday, May 4, 2008


After reading over Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project I came away from the reading a bit confused as to which convolute I believed to fit my project concerning women and health care needs. I looked through all of his central issues bundled together under an over all theme and found that none of them fit our project well, there was nothing as simple as "fashion" to describe our central theme. In fact after reading over what other group members thought of our presentation it seems that Lauren and I need to find our central theme more clearly, to make our project "do-able".
Sine not all the convolute were there to read segments from, I believe that the ones that fit our project the best our (i) and (a). I picked (i) because it discuses reproduction (although i found that lithography and technology really do not fit), which fit the best out of all the convolutions. I am using the word in the literal sense and I am not sure exactly how Walter Benjamin used the word "reproduction" in his terms. I choose (a) because it discussed social movements which does concern women's rights in all countries at some point or another especially when it came to reproductive rights for women specifically.

I do feel that the best thing to do is to make our own convolute that fits our specific project. Here are a few ideas that I would run by Lauren.

a. women, health care access
b. cultural differences concerning women and health care access
c. women, reproduction rights, access
d. difference between men and women's health care access

They all sound similar but I am trying to narrow down the subject to fit better together which will make it easier to research!

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