Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Prelimanary Research Question

Our groups question is: What is the difference between Islam women's access to health care in comparison to non-Islamic women.

Possible Research Methods: I am not sure if what you mean are the research methods we talked about in class or read about. But I believe the best way to do this project would be interviews, online database research and, surveys/questionnaire.

I believe that with are project there are many questions concerning ethics. Considering that our group will be questioning a group of women who are not seen as having the same rights of men in their faith there could be a lot of issues concerning whether or not they will be able to participate. For example are they considered persons with diminished authority because they may not have the authority in their culture to sign a consent form, especially if there is the possibility that if they participate without male consent than the could be physically or mentally harmed? When it comes to Justice, I wonder how you decide who is equal and unequal and who will this cause the least harm too especially when concerning the burdens that could possibly be put onto these women if they participate. Another ethically question is if they will truly be able to comprehend what they are giving permission to considering the possible language barrier...will this be helped?

I guess I just feel that there are possibly a lot of issues my group may need to deal with or there may not be. More research on Islamic communities would help because there maybe very liberal Islams who are willing to participate in our survey.

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