Wednesday, May 21, 2008

public scholarship opportunities

Defining Public Scholarship. At the level of the institution, public scholarship means optimizing the extent to which University research informs and is informed by the public good, maximizes the generation and transfer of knowledge and technology, educates the public about what research the University does, and listens to the public about what research needs to be done. This scholarship contributes to the intellectual and social capital of the University and the State (and larger regions), and includes (but is not limited to) the transfer of knowledge and technology that contributes to improved quality of life for significant portions of the populous. ( Taken from the University of Minnesota Web page)

I believe that if our project is successful the data we receive can be helpful to the community on many levels. One: Lauren and I are taking data from community members, trying to figure out how their particular experiences with health access have been throughout their reproductive life. Two: we will than compare there responses to those of health care officials who have dealt with differing types of people. Three: through this comparisons our data might be useful to health officials in making access to health care and health care experiences for different groups of women more successful. This project in turn will help us be better students, by learning how to communicate with different groups of people outside of the academic world and possibly help the community have an improved quality of life through better healthcare.

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