Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Amsterdam project Idea (Women's Issues and Islam)

I felt that I found a lot of information to continue my search for a research area and a research question. Since I am interested in women's issues I decided to look up women's rights and Islam in the Netherlands, abortion, sex education and contraception. I found from reading a few sights that Amsterdam has the leading sex education in the world, the lowest abortion rates, and open contraception. An idea of study from this could be why does the Netherlands have lower teenage pregnancy and abortion rates in comparison to the United States. A good site for this was www.ncbi.nlm.gov/pubmed/7971545

A more interesting subject in Amsterdam is how Islamic women rights are dealt with, considering their faith is not open to sexuality and individual rights such as the government is. How does the Netherlands deal with this in comparison to the United States. www.racematters.com

1 comment:

JB said...

Be care about saying a faith is "not open to sexuality": it takes as normative another, and unstated, approach (in this case, something to do with "openness"). See *Holy Days* for a great exchange between a secular Jew and an orthodox Jew on something like this topic: I can paraphrase it if you like). Research needs to assess its subject in as objective a language as possible; too, the researcher's bias (in Flannery's post, I think it's the equivalent of the "perspectival skew") should be stated openly. I do not mean "bias" as a pejorative term. That said, this is a rich research area, and it will be fun--and important-- to work it through.